
Today (15 Nov 2016) the developer as well as the Land Department visited The Emerald Green to inspect the state of The Emerald Green, and after the inspection (which has not been agreed with yet) the developer agreed to do the following:

– Clean the drainage’s at plots 357/111, 357/117 and where the 3 roads come together at the big empty (triangular shaped) plot
– Close/cover the (drainage)-hole outside the wall at the main road
– Repair club house roof
– Put up electric lights at the entrance road
– Fill up the earth under the Buddha house
– Re-Repair the road at a few locations

It should take 7-10 days to finish which-after we call Khun Darin from the Land Department to come and inspect again accompanied by the Thap Tai district engineer.
After approval by the Land Department and Thap Tai district it should take no longer than 30 days before the JP receives the money from land department and left over maintenance fees will also be released to us.